Who says gay actors can't play it straight? Check out Project Q's list of 15 TV stars who played straight who are now gay married HERE. Some of them even even did it after the world knew the truth -- imagine ... they were acting!
'Straight' Acting
Rock My World
'Looking' Good
The cast of HBO's new gay series, "Looking," introduced Mariah Carey at the Out 100 last night ... then stood there reading her Wikipedia page when she failed ... and failed ... and failed ... and failed ... to come out. While they were up there ad-libbing, I immediately was drawn to the guy with the mustache on the show -- shocker -- but I kept saying to Michael, "Where do we know him from?" I pointed out his resemblance to Guy Pearce, but it was just this afternoon I realized he was Aussie Murray Bartlett, aka the hotass from the film "August," which I recently saw on NetFlix. (It's definitely worth a watch.)
Here they were at last night's Out 100, where they debuted the trailer for the show, which premieres in January. Finally a show I'm looking forward to ...
UPDATE: Apparently I'm not the only one who has taken a shine to this mate:
This 'Charming' Man
On the Rag, Vol. 277
Mon Dieux
Photographer Fred Goudon sent me 16 outtakes of Hugo Marquez from the 2014 Dieux du Stade calendar. See LOTS more of the professional Judo comptitor from the French national team HERE.
Order the making of the calendar DVD HERE.
RIP: Novelist Doris Lessing
Via NYT: Doris Lessing, who won the Nobel Prize in 2007, was an uninhibited writer who embarked on dizzying and at times stultifying literary experiments. She died at 94. Read HERE.
Rain Hat Recommended
Noticed this new establishment near the intersection of 18th and 8th in Chelsea over the weekend. Hilarious name aside, something about a combination "sex" shop, cafe and bar/lounge sounds a bit amitious -- not to mention unsanitary -- to me. But the venue has been a dozen things in the past decade, so why not be a dozen more now?
Morning Wood
Whoa, Nellie's!
My pal and New York Times reporter Jeremy Peters says the nation's capital -- where 10 percent of adult residents identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender -- is now the gayest place in America. Read why it's such an LGBT draw HERE.
Song of the Day: 'Sweet Jane' by the Velvet Underground
Fantastic star-studded tribute to Lou Reed in the new Rolling Stone, which also includes a special remembrance by wife Laurie Anderson. Have a peek HERE.
Starr Bucks
Wrong Direction
Does Your Heart Belong to 'Daddy'?
Ran into Gerald McCullouch at the Out100 last week and he mentioned that filming of the screen adaptation of "Daddy" was about to begin in January. Gerald starred in the original play by Dan Via, and this time will direct a script also written by Dan. Check out the KickStarter pitch and decide if you'd like to throw some sugar this Daddy's way ...
Donate HERE.
Matthew Sweet and Susanna Hoffs Go Back to the '80s
Sid 'n' Susie are up to their old tricks again, this time covering an eclectic batch of songs from the '80s -- R.E.M., Tom Petty, the dB's, the English Beat, Echo and the Bunnymen, etc. -- for "Under the Covers. Vol. 3." As with the previous two collections, it's the songs I know the least -- "The Bulrushes" by the Bongos, "Towers of London" by XTC -- and/or interpreted by an opposite-gender-from-the-original that I'm liking the best -- Susanna singing Dave Edmunds'"Girls Talk" and Lindsey Buckingham's "Trouble" -- that stick with me most. This is really saying something, however, seeing as Susanna also sings "Kid" (Pretenders) and "They Don't Know" (Kirsty MacColl), which are two of my all-time favorite songs. That they felt the need to include two songs that were actually from 1979 -- both mentioned above (can you spot 'em?) isn't really a compliment to the decade from which their careers were born. But then again, they're doing the "Vogue" dance in the promotional photo, so perhaps their cutoff put for new decades is different from mine! Order HERE.
Nancy Spungeon Died Here
With the holidays fast approaching, you might want to check out “Inside the Dream Palace: The Life and Times of New York’s Legendary Chelsea Hotel,” Sherill Tippins'new book about fabled Chelsea Hotel, where cultural icons like Thomas Wolfe, Andy Warhol, Bob Dylan, Janis Joplin, Leonard Cohen, Patti Smith, Edie Sedgwick and others found inspiration. Order HERE.
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Yellowed Journalism
Alex is right. And speaking of misogyny and double standards, I only found out last week that Matthew Sweet was primarily known for being the most strikingly beautiful boy when he first came on the scene. (I didn't really know who he was until he teamed up with Susanna Hoffs a handful of years ago.) Can you just imagine what would be said of a sexpot who let herself go that way? Not a lot -- she wouldn't still have a career.
Second Acts
'There's a New Girl in Town'
My affection for "Alice" today far outweighs how much I actually liked the show back in the day. The fact that it was set in Phoenix -- where my family moved in 1979 when it still didn't even seem to be on the map yet -- helped. But I honestly think it was Linda Lavin's opening theme song that I liked more than anything else. Watch her surprise an audience in Los Angeles over the weekend by singing it HERE. although it's the story leading up to it that will grab you tightest.