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Hardest Person to Buy a Gift for ... Ever


I’m a guy again! ABC newsman who switched genders wants to switch back

 'Amnesia’ awakening

Bizarre twist to the story about an ABC News editor (Don Ennis) who woke up one day and thought he was a woman. Now he says he had amneisa for two days and woke up a man again. From an email to friends and colleagues:
“I am writing to let you know I’m changing my name . . . to Don Ennis. That will be my name again, now and forever. And it appears I’m not transgender after all.

“I have retained the much different mind-set I had in 1999: I am now totally, completely, unabashedly male in my mind, despite my physical attributes,” he said.

“I’m asking all of you who accepted me as a transgender to now understand: I was misdiagnosed.

“I am already using the men’s room and dressing accordingly,” he noted.

“It’s so odd to be experiencing this from the other side; as recently as last Friday, I felt I was indeed a woman, in my mind, body and soul.

“Even though I will not wear the wig or the makeup or the skirts again, I promise to remain a strong straight ally, a supporter of diversity and an advocate for equal rights and other LGBT issues including same-sex marriage.”
I would say this is fine -- and there's a lot more to the story -- but the last time someone this high profile went "back and forth," he ended up commiting suicide shortly thereafter. Read HERE.

Fun Couples


A reader suggests:
Next TV "Bachelor" Juan Pablo Galavis and Montreal MMA Fighter Georges St. Pierre would make a totally cute couple if they were gay

Morning Wood


This is my friend's hot husband. Guess I'm about to find out how often she reads my blog.

A Picture's Worth a Couple Words


See what our history would look like if news photographers were replaced by Instagramming iPhone-bots HERE.

Is Rafael Nadal Looking for Gay Sex?


    Or is the multimillionaire just looking for a roommate? Find out HERE.

Song of the Day: 'Love Is a Bourgeois Construct' by Pet Shop Boys


  I must confess, I'm a lackadaisical Pet Shop Boys fan. I'll buy an album and love-love-love it, then completely forget when they have a new one. Case in point "Yes," which I adored and blogged about heavily in 2009. Even went to see them at Radio City Music Hall. Then I guess they had a new album last year -- news to me -- and now "Electric." I only heard about this one because I heard they bought real estate on my blog through the advertising network I'm a member of, but I still didn't act on the information. Then my friend Dishy put his foot down and sent me the thing, which I promptly ignored for a week or two. Finally got off my keister last night and played it and what a treat it was! Really sounds like it could have come out after the group's first two albums, yet doesn't sound dated at all.  I was concerned after hearing the first song, "Axis," which I later learned was the first single -- who decides these things? -- but then it just kept getting better and better. The latest single is "Love Is a Bourgeois Construct," a vintage PSB composition.

I've been taking my time for a long time
 Putting my feet up a lot
 Speaking English as a foreign language
 Any words that I haven't forgot

 I've been thinking how I can't be bothered
 To wash the dishes or remake the bed
 What's the point when I could dust instead?

 I've been hanging out with various riffraff
 Somewhere on the Goldhawke Road I don't think it's gonna be much longer
 Till I'm mugging up on the penal codes

 The album is available now HERE. Oh, and don't worry. "Elysium" arrived today. Thanks, Dishy!

Sign Language


I don't know what's more disturbing, that there is a group actually working to make stries against a breast cancer walk, or that they would so proudly advertise it right on the NYC subway.

Playing 'House'


There's no air date yet, but look for my pals Craig and Frank's move back to the Detroit area to be chronicled on an upcoming episode of HGTV's "House Hunters"!

Junk Science


While I'd agree photo 1 is the hottest, photo 2 is a close second and way hotter than 3. 

Page 1 Consider (08/07)

Bodega Girl


This one's by my apartment, and I was just telling Michael how I was surprised it was even still in business with the sparkling new 7-Eleven across the street

Fun piece in the Wall Street Journal about Gail Victoria Braddock Quagliata, who set out to photograph every bodega in Manhattan. She was inspired when she became to notice that the beloved corner stores were dwindling rapidly. 
 "I really never considered myself an activist or the kind of person who would dig my heels in and say these mom and pops should stick around," said Ms. Quagliata, who lives in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. "But I had to become a kind of angry person who said I don't want this in my neighborhood."

Called "Every Bodega in Manhattan," her photo project, some of which is online, now includes more than 4,000 stores. It is a visual record, if not a virtual scrapbook, of the idiosyncratic mom and pop stores and the neighborhoods they serve.


Taming the Beast


"WHY YOU BEASTING?" is a darkly comic, gripping new play by David Don Miller that explores the chaos of the New York City public school system through the eyes of a first-year teacher in one of the most notorious high schools in the Bronx. First four shows of this FringeNYC Festival production are sold out, but tickets are still available for the Sunday show. Find out more HERE.

Shoot the Messenger


Perhaps psychotherapist Matthew Dempsey was a tad bit tone deaf when he used the example of "landing a regional commercial when a friend booked a recurring role on 'True Blood'" (!) while offering insight about gay men's tendency to compare themselves to each other, and how it can lead to feeling inadequate. (neatly packaged as "Compare and Despair/") But the comments on Towleroad -- including one about the therapist who killed himself -- are so vicious, they make "The Boys in the Band" sound like an episode of  "Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman." 
The first thing this guy should do to be taken seriously on this topic is stop wearing a form-fitting shirt with an open collar. To lecture gay men about trying too hard by yourself trying too hard is laughable. Also: it's easy to lecture other gay men about loving yourself when you look like an underwear model and don't experience the widespread rejection a lot of gay men (all people, really) experience. I'll bet this Dempsey guy hasn't been ignored by a bartender in a gay bar in years. It's a nice effort if taken at face value. Something about it rings...if not phony, then unrealistic. POSTED BY: JSE | AUG 7, 2013 12:18:13 PM 
So a "hot" (well, except for the eyelid-drooping bit and the narcissism) "psychologist" tries to get all the not-so-hot and insecure gays in his vicinity to sign up as his clients. This way you get to ogle him during the session AND you get a free sympathy pat on the back by the hot guy in the end. God this is lame. POSTED BY: CT | AUG 7, 2013 1:30:06 PM 
"I'll bet this Dempsey guy hasn't been ignored by a bartender in a gay bar in years." Is that really a thing? I mean, I've been to a lot of gay bars (accusations of functioning alcoholic have been levied my way), and it really doesn't work that way. When a bar is crowded, bartenders typically start at one end, work their way down, and rotate back to the start. If you want to get their attention, you could hold a large bill (bartenders are, after all, working for tips) or you could at some point simply ask them their name and try being friendly. It very rarely has anything to do with looks. I'm not saying you're not ugly. But maybe you're impatient and an a--hole, too. POSTED BY: CRISPY | AUG 7, 2013 12:30:24 PM
Read 'em and weep HERE.

Hate Crime Victims Share Their Story


Despite Manhattan's reputation as being very gay friendly, attacks on LGBT people are on the rise. The New York Times has a report on one gay couple who experienced this firsthand:
On May 5, 2013, a young couple was attacked outside Madison Square Garden in broad daylight. Nick Porto and Kevin Atkins were walking hand in hand when a group of several men, clad in Knicks jerseys, called them “faggots” and pushed them to the ground, beating them to the point of a torn ligament and a broken nose. In this video, Mr. Porto and Mr. Atkins tell their story.

In Bed With Gore Vidal

Red Faced

Morning Wood

RIP: Sean Sasser, AIDS Activist and Early MTV 'Real World' Star, Is Dead at 44


Things got all too real in San Francisco

Sad to read about the passing of Sean Sasser, best remembered as the boyfriend of Pedro Zamora on the third season of "The Real World." 

With partner Michael Kaplan

Fellow "Real World" alum Dan Renzi reports on Queerty:
According to his life partner, Michael Kaplan, Sasser died of mesothelioma, a rare cancer of the lungs. [Typically associated with asbestos inhalation.] No other information was released immediately about his medical condition, but mesothelioma has been linked to a weakened immune system in some people with AIDS.   
The news is especially shocking as just three months ago the Washington Blade wrote a review of the restaurant in D.C. where Sasser had recently moved and started working as a pastry chef, that quickly turned into a love letter to everyone's favorite early '90s boyfriend. (Kaplan led the relocation to the East Coast to become president and CEO of AIDS United.) As you can see, Sean was just beaming and full of life in the photo. Prior to moving to Washington, he and Kaplan were living in Oregon, where they were foster parents to a little girl named Alice. What was supposed to be a two-week stint -- she was 4 when she arrived -- lasted a year and a half before she was eventually adopted by her aunt. 

Although their relationship was under terrifying circumstances, watching Sean be strong and stand by Pedro was a character-building lesson for me as a young gay man. My condolences to everyone who loved him. His legacy will most certainly live on.

In the kitchen at the West End eatery RIS

Song of the Day: 'I Believe in Loving You' by Carole King


Carole King's latest may not be her best song. But with lyrics by the late Hal David, and romantic photos submitted by her fans -- including a number of same-sex couples -- it's nice to see the further mainstreaming of LGBT lives in society. Download HERE.

Bottoms Up

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