Given that I called bullshit the time Oprah Winfrey claimed she was refused entry into a Hermes store because she wasn't "chic" enough -- she actually arrived as the store was closing, so no one would have been allowed in per store policy, although that old story has suddenly evolved in recent days -- I was more than willing to hear this Swiss sales associate out. But as she repeatedly denies doing what Oprah says she did, doesn't she also kind of admit it? Sure, it's a "she says, she says" about what was specifically said. But I don't think the woman even NEEDED to have said the exact words she was alleged to have for it to still be the very situation Oprah described.
This is how the sales woman -- who is said to be speaking anonymously although her name and photo appear everywhere -- described the encounter:
'I wasn't sure what I should present to her when she came in on the afternoon of Saturday July 20 so I showed her some bags from the Jennifer Aniston collection. I explained to her the bags came in different sizes and materials, like I always do. She looked at a frame behind me. Far above there was the 35,000 Swiss franc crocodile leather bag. I simply told her that it was like the one I held in my hand, only much more expensive, and that I could show her similar bags."Similar bags, or the expensive one Oprah was looking at?
Racism isn't just calling someone the N-word. And Oprah said it herself, it just wasn't worth the trouble of making a federal case out of it. But it does sound like it happened. And it's that very kind of underlying racism -- albeit in the least relatable situation ever -- that President Obama recently described while discussing the Trayvon Martin verdict. See this as the "aha moment" it is, Ms. Sales Lady, and move on.