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Alec Baldwin Fires Back at Anderson Cooper


Well this is fun. Alec Baldwin, while on Howard Stern discussing the controversy around his calling a Daily Mail reporter a "toxic little queen," took aim at Anderson Cooper for posting the following tweet in response to his choice of words:
"Why does #AlecBaldwin get a pass when he uses gay slurs? If a conservative talked of beating up a "queen" they would be vilified." 

Said Baldwin:
"Anderson Cooper has a job to do. And that job is to try to reinforce his credibility in the gay community after the fact that you couldn't get him out of the closet for 10 years with a canister of tear gas. Now he's the sheriff. Now he's running around writing everybody a ticket!" 
Hashtag snap. I asked my Facebook friends whose side they were on, and Team Alec is off to an early lead:

Chris wrote:
Alec is 100% right, Anderson played coy in the glass closet for years until his career/paycheck was secured, then decided he didn't have anything to risk by FINALLY owning up to what everyone already knew about him. Now he's suddenly a gay crusader? Anderson, I love you but you need to have a seat. Alec read you for filth and that shit was hilarious and stung as the truth often does. 
Hank wrote:
Alec. Anderson, who now says he's been "out since high school," wrote a memoir which talked about the most intimate details of his life, including his brother's tragic suicide. But he never mentioned one person he's ever dated, let alone his sexuality. But now he's a gay pioneer.
Although Bob sees things differently:
A pox on Gays who knock Anderson! Think of these 3 things: a) He travels to report in countries that kill Gays, b) By coming out too soon he would have spoiled our chance to see a Gay man anchoring the national news each night, and c) his mother is one of the most famous women of the 20th Century, was constantly in the news, had lots of marriages and a lot of tragedy, and his brother jumped off a roof. Would that not make YOU prefer not to draw attention to your private life?____ Do you give him NO points for never lying, never creating BS publicity about dating women, etc? It helps the cause more when people who could have remained silent speak up.

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