Flock of Seagulls' van found, but gear's gone
CNN has the heartbreaking news:
A Flock of Seagulls' friends and fans are watching Craigslist, eBay and pawn shops for band leader Mike Score's stolen amps and instruments.
While the singer's signature floppy hair was lost years ago, Score's keyboards, guitars, drums, mics and clothing disappeared last weekend when a thief took the band's van from in front of a hotel in Downey, California, Score said.
"The van itself was found, but all the gear was taken. The van was empty," he told CNN Wednesday. Investigators are searching for fingerprints and other clues on the vehicle. "The word, though, is out and we have lots of other band members scouring eBay and Craigslist for signs of the equipment," Score said. Southern California guitar stores have lists of the stolen gear in case someone tries to fence it there, he said.
While equipment is replaceable, Score is especially anxious about a hard drive that contained songs for his upcoming solo album. The music "was just about ready to go" when it disappeared with the van, he said.Yes, I think the most distressing part of this story is the missing, um, solo album.