Forgot to blog this, but I reluctantly went to see "The Perks of Being a Wallflower" a few weeks ago after Michael read that it was being touted as the "Sixteen Candles" and "Pretty in Pink" for the new generation. I wasn't enough aware of the massively popular book on which based, but the second I saw the trailer -- which was in heavy rotation in theaters for months -- I was shocked at how horrible and contrived it looked. But since I picked 100 percent 95 percent of the movies we see, I decided to appease Michael and go along. The film is not perfect -- I still don't know who "Dear Friend" is, and I still don't understand why every kid in movies who was lost and alienated is actually incredibly good-looking and DOES to go all the school dances and football games (I'll admit I wasn't hidieous, but I never attended a single "school" event that I absolutely didn't have to) -- but despite my best efforts to despise it, I left the theater thoroughly impressed. Kudos to author Stephen Chbosky for holding out for more than a dozens years to write and direct his adaptation his way. Not a big-screen must-see, but definitely worth seeing.