With Billy and Tim
I will never get married (don't believe in marriage but will fight to the death to be sure it's legal for all). And I will never have kids. (Don't believe in 'em -- they just write snarky memoirs about the way you raised them.) So to say the birth of my first book is one of the most meaningful things that has ever happened to me wouldn't be much of an overstatement. As such, the launch party in the (212) -- complete with friends and colleagues from my fast-approaching two decades as a Manhattanite -- was a big night for me. But even in my wildest dreams I couldn't have imagined the soiree last night at 48 Grove in the West Village would be so fun -- and so emotional -- for me.
DJ Taffy spins me 'round like a record, baby
I should probably not name names as I'm bound to leave out someone, but I will offer my endless gratitude to party promoter extraordinaire (and my friend) Chip Duckett for pulling it all together, yet making it seem so effortless. To my friend Bruce Derfler, aka DJ Taffy, whose ability to channel my musical desires had 90 percent of the room convinced I had merely handed him a wish or play list. (You can read my mind, Taffy, I've got no defense.) Many thanks to my long-suffering partner, Bernard Michael, for making sure everyone was happy at all times. (He does the same for me every day even though I don't acknowledge it as often as I should). To my agent, Christopher Schelling, for putting up with my crazy writer freakouts over the past 12 months. And to everyone who came to show their support -- it felt so great. For those who were too far -- or too sick -- to be there, my friend Matthew Rettenmund has a picture-filled recap on his blog for you to enjoy. Thanks again to everyone! View Matt's wrap-up HERE.
With Chris and Micah
15 Minutes of Fame: The large canvas I received as a gift from my childhood friends Mark and Nina, who could not be there to celebrate!