The view from steps outside my apartment in Chelsea. Fox News isn't conceding the election yet, but the Empire State Building is. Here's to our president and the 50-ish percent of Americans who "get it." At the risk of sounding melodramatic, this win was pivotal for the lives of LGBT citizens' becoming equal in my lifetime, so it's an emotional night for me. Here's hoping we get a Supreme Court that represents all Americans in the coming term. And let's also hope this is a wake-up call for the Republican Party, and that it decides to group and start caring about the American of today rather than dwelling on the America of the past.
P.S. In 2008, Obama's win was tainted by the kick-in-the-stomach passage of Prop 8 in California. But hearing that Maine, Maryland, Washington and Minnesota voted today to uphold marriage equality -- the first time(s) the topic was successful when put to a popular vote -- and that Tammy Baldwin has been elected the first openly gay woman to the U.S. Senate has turned this night into one for the ages.
P.S. In 2008, Obama's win was tainted by the kick-in-the-stomach passage of Prop 8 in California. But hearing that Maine, Maryland, Washington and Minnesota voted today to uphold marriage equality -- the first time(s) the topic was successful when put to a popular vote -- and that Tammy Baldwin has been elected the first openly gay woman to the U.S. Senate has turned this night into one for the ages.