This one's by my apartment, and I was just telling Michael how I was surprised it was even still in business with the sparkling new 7-Eleven across the street
Fun piece in the Wall Street Journal about Gail Victoria Braddock Quagliata, who set out to photograph every bodega in Manhattan. She was inspired when she became to notice that the beloved corner stores were dwindling rapidly.
"I really never considered myself an activist or the kind of person who would dig my heels in and say these mom and pops should stick around," said Ms. Quagliata, who lives in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. "But I had to become a kind of angry person who said I don't want this in my neighborhood."Read HERE.
Called "Every Bodega in Manhattan," her photo project, some of which is online, now includes more than 4,000 stores. It is a visual record, if not a virtual scrapbook, of the idiosyncratic mom and pop stores and the neighborhoods they serve.