NYT: WikiLeaks Source Is Guilty of Violations of Espionage Act
A military judge on Tuesday found Pfc. Bradley Manning not guilty of aiding the enemy, but convicted him of multiple counts of violating the Espionage Act. Private Manning had already confessed to being WikiLeaks’ source for vast archives of secret files. Read HERE.
Don't have a lot strong opinions about the crimes he is said to have committed, but am pleased he was not found guilty of aiding the enemy. This guy has been to hell and back -- the U.N. torture chief says his treatment was "cruel and inhuman" (way to go, America) -- hope they don't sentence him too harshly.
Don't have a lot strong opinions about the crimes he is said to have committed, but am pleased he was not found guilty of aiding the enemy. This guy has been to hell and back -- the U.N. torture chief says his treatment was "cruel and inhuman" (way to go, America) -- hope they don't sentence him too harshly.