I'm sure you're as Zimmerman-ed out as I am, but I must say this seems like a really BAD idea. I don't like the jury's verdict at all, but pretending like this isn't double jeopardy -- something the Fifth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution forbids -- is as dishonest as George Zimmerman himself. (Fortunately, it seems even Eric Holder realizes this crime will not rise to the level required for such a charge.) As for a civil suit, I normally think they're bullshit in these types of cases, but I'm OK with it here. I realize the family needs for Zimmerman to be held accountable on some level. But to possibly send someone to jail after they've been acquitted is not solution.
The NYT editorial board doesn't agree with me on this, but we do agree about what is the fundamental problem with Stand Your Ground and lax gun laws. Translation: Leave a nasty comment at your own peril!
The NYT editorial board doesn't agree with me on this, but we do agree about what is the fundamental problem with Stand Your Ground and lax gun laws. Translation: Leave a nasty comment at your own peril!