By now you've heard about this horrifying Jaycee Dugard-esque case out of Cleveland. The good news the three women are alive and safe now. But my brother pointed me to a particularly creepy detail -- that one of the captors' sons -- also named Ariel Castro -- appears to have been reporting on the case in a local newspaper, even interviewing one of the victims' parents. He now claims he had no idea his father was involved, but I'm skeptical to say the least. Shocking.
The Plain Dealer reports:
A June 2004 story that appeared in a West Side neighborhood newspaper was written by someone named Ariel Castro and described the community’s anxiety since the disappearance of DeJesus and Berry. The author interviewed DeJesus’ mother, Nancy Ruiz, and a group of parents waiting for their children to be released from Wilbur Wright Middle School. They spoke of the need for greater security and the fear that had settled upon the neighborhood. “For seven weeks, Gina’s family has been organizing searches, holding prayer vigils, posting fliers and calling press conferences,” Castro wrote. “Despite the many tips and rumors that have been circulating in the neighborhood, there has been no sign of her. One thing is for certain, however. Almost everyone feels a connection with the family, and Gina’s disappearance has the whole area talking.”