Best High-School Pictures Ever
More Parents Splurge on Fancy Photo Shoots of Teens, the Last Chance for a Baby Picture of the Class of 2013
Did you catch the Wall Street Journal article about parents paying big bucks for professional photographers and stylists for their kids' senior yearbook pictures? I know I sure could have used some help. It was the summer before senior year and about 112 degrees in Phoenix when I woke up just after noon and remembered that I had to be at the photo studio in 20 minutes. I had no shower, no outfit planned and a chin full of zits. Luckily, my brother Bill was home from the University of Arizona and loaned me a shirt and tie ... and a sweater vest -- perfect Arizona summer attire -- and the "air brush" folks cleaned up my acne. Still, it was not one of my better looks, but one I still have to live with every time I sleep in my parents' guest room! Read HERE.
Senior photo
Senior year