I think we all have different perceptions of how we talk and how others talk. By the author's standards, Obama is such a great speaker. But I can't stand him for more than a minute before I have to switch the channel. He talks like he is preaching to me and he drones. I learn nothing new from his state of the union addresses or his stump speeches and it is all obvious tricks and never anything new. I feel like he is talking down to me and I don't have to listen to that. I am turned off just by his voice. He uses humor in his speeches to insult our intelligence and not to put us at ease in a self-deprecating way. And his arrogance turns me off too. Once while he was speaking during the campaign about the War On Women, the sun was shining and you could see he was wearing a wife-beater underneath his shirt and tie. That was disgusting and tacky.Can't decide if this is actually a clever liberal posting comments to mock conservatives -- Archie Bunker is your avatar? -- but I sure hope so.
Wife Swat