Reports have circulated that former world number one Jennifer Capriati is a full-blown stalker, who called her ex-boyfriend, Ivan Brannan, 100 times in a day and then assaulted him in a gym in North Palm Beach on Valentine's Day. (She allegedly fled before police arrived.) I don't completely discount her statement (released via her lawyer) that the version of events we are hearing is one-sided -- breakups can get ugly, and frequently the truth lies somewhere in between each side's perspective. But having followed her on Twitter for the last year or so, one thing is abundantly clear: Jennifer is a very angry women, with paranoid tendencies. That her psychological state is not well is no surprise -- she was the Lindsay Lohan of women's professional tennis, and she clearly has demons, even as she closes in on 40. Here's hoping this latest publicized incident is the wake-up call for her to get the professional help she so clearly needs ... and deserves.